Google's Mobile-First Indexing

Are You Prepared for the Final Push of Google’s Mobile-First Indexing?

Google has been working on mobile indexing since 2016. The Company focuses on how they can crawl and index those websites. However, most Digital marketing companies believe that the idea will be completed in 2023. Google recently announced that the plan will not be fully complete on July 5, 2024. But this is important news for everyone, from July 5 they will use Googlebot to crawl and index websites.

This change has a great impact on mobile accessibility, it is important to increase the visibility and search ranking of the website. Moreover, Google’s plan will help in increasing mobile usage. It is mainly important for the Website’s owners and SEO professionals. Therefore, Sevenstar Websolutions provides Professional solutions to optimize your websites for mobile access and make sure they remain indexed in Google search results. So are you ready to make your website according to Google’s updates?

What Is Mobile-First Indexing?

The Term “Mobile-first indexing” is the practice when Google indexes and ranks based on website access on mobile. Initially, Google crawled and indexed based on website platforms. However, Google changed its rules to improve the browsing experience on mobile. Webmasters, SEO experts, and company owners have to be more conscious of the new update and make their websites Mobile-friendly. Through this new update, they can preserve their website ranking and visibility.

Important Updates

July 5, 2024 Deadline

July 5, 2024, is Google’s final date for moving to mobile-first indexing. Following this date, Google will stop indexing any website that is not mobile-friendly. Webmasters have a tight deadline to make sure their websites are responsive to mobile devices.

It’s Important to Be Accessible

Google’s John Mueller stressed that Google will not index a website’s content if it cannot be accessed on a mobile device. This implies that websites with issues with loading or rendering on mobile devices will no longer be indexed, which will have a major negative effect on how visible they are on search engine result pages (SERPs).

Templates for Desktop

Google confirmed that as long as the desktop version runs properly on mobile devices, using a template that is exclusively meant for desktop use is allowed. Accessibility is important; a website will get ranked as long as it loads and displays on a mobile device.

Exemptions from the Guideline

Even if mobile-first indexing is starting to take hold, Googlebot Desktop will still be used in some situations, such as product listings and Google for Jobs. As a result, although activity from Googlebot Desktop may sometimes occasionally show up in webmasters’ server logs and reporting tools, this will no longer be the norm.

The Reason This Is Important

Making the switch to mobile-first indexing might not be too difficult for the majority of website owners and developers. But there are serious consequences for individuals whose websites are not mobile-friendly. A website’s organic traffic and search engine exposure will be significantly reduced if it cannot load on mobile devices. This is because Google will not crawl or index such websites.

Required Action: Ensuring Mobile Usability

Webmasters must move quickly to make sure their websites are mobile-friendly given an upcoming deadline. This involves an in-depth evaluation of the website’s mobile accessibility and making the required modifications to Google’s guidelines.

How Sevenstar Websolutions Assist

Our area of expertise at Sevenstar Websolutions is getting websites ready for Google’s mobile-first indexing. Our team of professionals provides a variety of services to guarantee that your website stays functional and looks great on mobile devices.

Optimizing for Mobile

We do in-depth inspections of your website to pinpoint areas that require mobile optimization changes. This involves making sure all items display properly on mobile devices, speeding up loading times, and optimizing the user experience overall.

Design that Responds

To ensure that your website offers the best possible viewing experience on a variety of devices, including smartphones and tablets, our team may completely update it to be responsive. Because it guarantees that your website adjusts to various screen sizes and resolutions, responsive design is essential for mobile-first indexing.

SEO Assistance

Our SEO specialists improve the content and Design of your website to improve Google exposure and rating. This entails making sure your website satisfies Google’s mobile-first indexing standards by optimizing Meta tags, headers, and content for mobile search.

Technical Assistance

We provide continuous technical help to handle unexpected issues. Our staff can assist with upgrades, maintenance, and troubleshooting to make sure your website is mobile-friendly and meets Google’s indexing guidelines.

Next Steps

Take the following actions to make sure your website is prepared for Google’s final release of its mobile-first indexing:

  1. Test Your Site: To determine whether your website is mobile-friendly, use the Google Search Console URL Inspection tool. This tool shows you how Googlebot sees your website and points up any problems that need to be fixed.
  2. Optimize for Mobile: Make the required changes to enhance performance on mobile devices. This can involve speeding up page loads, making sure graphics and other components are responsive, and enhancing mobile device usability in general.
  3. Seek Professional Assistance: Get in touch with Sevenstar Websolutions if you run into problems or want knowledgeable support. Our staff is here to assist you with this change and make sure your website is fully mobile-first optimized.


The mobile-first indexing strategy of Google represents a significant advancement in the crawling and ranking of webpages. Maintaining your website’s mobile accessibility is important to keep it visible and ranked well in search results. Our goal at Sevenstar Websolutions is to ensure that this transition goes as easily as possible for you. Contact us right now for professional advice and assistance, and make sure your website stays at the forefront of Google’s indexing requirements.

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